Welcome Buddy's ! Thanks view my Bloggie and be my Followers , Hurry up ! :D
Known as Genie Nadd or Nadd . Stay at Taman Melati . Was born on Fourth of September 1995 , so im going 16 :) no school , but acting like an idiot pupil . Haha :D Have kinda social life's . and yes , im a Troublemaker ! ops sorry mama , I did it :( haha . sometimes i gonna be a good person , sometimes i gonna be a bad damn person . but don't worry , i'll never kill you . FYI , i'd like to jokes , talkingshit , laugh a lot and pranked . sometimes i'll get shy :P but alomost im a sarcastic one :) and please , dont you ever say that im a arrogant okay . 'cause i know im not that kinda person ! blalala~
*i love to make a new friend and i love my friends so much , especially is YOU fucker ! :D

sadness :(

there's nothing special other than him . he was a man full of grace . sumpah aku tak tipu . aku sayang dia but ta macam dia sayang aku . lao boleh , aku na putar kan balik masa yg lepas antara aku dgn dia . i miss him so much !  aku rndu cara dia bercakap nan aku dlam phone , setiap masa dia call aku , texted aku . semua lah . tapi aku ta pena na menghargai dia . yess , maybe ni balasan aku kot . i want he came back with me , although how even . but he did not want me anymore right ?? yeah , i know that . its okay . semua tu sebab kau lah nadd . thumbs up for you :) youuu , im very SAD because i leave you just like that ! youu , i want your love as before :( im begging !

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